Non-Technical Discussion -  J825 EVO 1 restoration, ongoing (73936 views) Notify me whenever anyone posts in this discussion.Subscribe
From: coxeey15/1/17 10:33 
To: All  (1012 of 1089) 
 26913.1012 in reply to 26913.1005 

Well I have been putting some Christmas presents on, that I had hinted about earlier in the year....

I noticed the rotor arm was looking strange when I replaced the dizzy oil seal on the dizzy so that had to go,

I think it was because the dizzy carbon brush that makes contact with it was worn flat, so that was replaced

Not sure why its grey but it is from D G Rally Ltd, if that makes a difference.

So I also swapped the plug leads for some new ones while I was at it,

So it all looks like this now....

I'm not sure whether they are the correct leads as it shows 836 on the box rather than 831 but the only comments I could make would be that the longest lead only just reached plug 1 while the other leads weren't much shorter so there is some unwanted lengths in there...

Not bad for someone else getting them for me I guess.



  • Edited 15 August 2017 18:33  by  coxeey

From: coxeey8/8/17 16:45 
To: coxeey  (1013 of 1089) 
 26913.1013 in reply to 26913.247 

I am replacing the links that Photobucket won't let me use with some Ricardo gave me. First 250 posts more or less done now.   :-)


From: kiwigrale (kiwixr5) DelphiPlus Member Icon8/8/17 17:25 
To: coxeey  (1014 of 1089) 
 26913.1014 in reply to 26913.1013 

Oh yeah ………… great to see the pictorial evidence of your labours return Steve …… shall we open a tab as to how long it's going to take you to "fix" ALL of them? …… LOL

And that would explain the flood of email I had this morning …… guess I can expect that to continue for a while to come eh!


From: coxeey8/8/17 17:35 
To: kiwigrale (kiwixr5) DelphiPlus Member Icon  (1015 of 1089) 
 26913.1015 in reply to 26913.1014 

hope it isn't waking you up?

Do you get a notification for every post I edit? I only get one for the day....this is my cars history so I feel I need to get it back, although I can make an offline copy with this info.....



From: kiwigrale (kiwixr5) DelphiPlus Member Icon8/8/17 17:37 
To: coxeey  (1016 of 1089) 
 26913.1016 in reply to 26913.1015 

Well I got 27 new msgs this morning. They don't bother me Steve so just keep ploughing along. It's actually rather refreshing to go back to the beginning of your saga and follow it all over again!


From: coxeey13/9/17 12:50 
To: rovers11  (1017 of 1089) 
 26913.1017 in reply to 26913.1016 

I can shorten the elastic on the parcel shelf cords but do you still have a link for the hooks?

  • Edited 13 September 2017 13:27  by  coxeey

From: rovers1113/9/17 14:20 
To: coxeey  (1018 of 1089) 
 26913.1018 in reply to 26913.1017 

From: RicardoF1RST14/9/17 4:09 
To: rovers11  (1019 of 1089) 
 26913.1019 in reply to 26913.1018

He's been a busy bunny...

  • Edited 14 September 2017 4:11  by  RicardoF1RST

From: kiwigrale (kiwixr5) DelphiPlus Member Icon14/9/17 15:26 
To: All  (1020 of 1089) 
 26913.1020 in reply to 26913.1019 

Oh wow has he what ………………… !


From: coxeey14/9/17 17:17 
To: rovers11  (1021 of 1089) 
 26913.1021 in reply to 26913.1018 

Too much for me, back to a net curtain hook for a while.


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